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Senecio scaposus

Senecio scaposus

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Caputia scaposa, formerly known as Senecio scaposus, features elongated, bean-shaped leaves covered in a fuzzy, silvery layer. This natural defense provides protection from the intense sunlight of its native South African environment and requires similarly bright light when grown elsewhere. Care must be taken during shipping and handling to avoid damaging the woolly coating, as it will not regenerate. However, new foliage will eventually replace any lost leaves. In the summer, this plant produces charming yellow flowers with a daisy-like appearance. It is also commonly referred to as Silver Coral.

Please Note: Plant will ship bare root with little to no dirt, and you will receive a plant similar to the one in the photo.

Returns & exchanges: Not accepted
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