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Pachypodium bispinosum

Pachypodium bispinosum

Regular price $21.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $21.00 USD
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Pachypodium bispinosum, a species known for its swollen, tuberous stem, or caudex, stands up to 0.6 m tall and lies partially underground. Its thick, bonsai-like branches sprout from the top of the stem, adorned with paired, straight spines measuring 10–20 mm in length, slightly shorter than those on other Pachypodium species. The narrow leaves are scattered or in tufts along the branches. From August to December, the plant produces a small number of clusters of purple to pink flowers at the tips of the branches. These bell-shaped flowers have a diameter of approximately 15–20 mm. P. bispinosum is renowned as the most prolific flowering species in cultivation. Its leaves have less hair than other species in the same genus, and their margins are more distinctly curled downward.

Please Note: Plant will ship bare root with little to no dirt, and you will receive a plant similar to the one in the photo. It is advised to handle this plant with caution and use gloves or tongs as it is covered in spines.

Returns & exchanges: Not accepted
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